Potential High Reward Investments For The Budding Entrepreneur

3d printing machine

Running a business can be hard and difficult. This is so self-evident as a phrase that it might be considered the fundamental dictum of opening a firm.

For the budding entrepreneur willing to take the risk, this challenge is what makes it all worthwhile. However, at the same time, some people feel that there must be better ways around investing their money without risking it all on a startup.

If you have money to spend either personally or through a firm that you have already been a part of, and are looking to invest that money wisely, you may not know where to turn.

Financial risk is a large part of the decision making process you will have, and making unwise choices will put you in a difficult position which you’d do well to avoid.

Luckily, there are so many ‘rising star’ industries available to nest your money into nowadays that you may feel like a child in a candy shop just waiting to begin.

Here are some of the best, most innovative and most stable places you’d be wise to invest your money as a firm or personal financier.


We must top the list with property, as it is always the most reliable place to invest money. People will always need shelter, and people will always want better shelter. As a result, foreign investment in properties and property development is at an all time high.

Catering to the luxury holiday crowd abroad could be one of the most lucrative investments to make, as popular locations are always bringing in visitors and their money year-round, and the demand will remain constant.

Investing in penthouse properties abroad will give you the luxurious room for renting, subletting or even renovating and selling foreign accommodation.

In foreign countries, the price of admission will be much more competitive than pursuing the same endeavour in the area you are domestically.

This means it can serve as a wonderful first investment on the property ladder, giving you a solid range of experience as to how best operate in those circumstances if you do decide to continue and expand in the future.

3D Printing

3D Printing has become a force to be reckoned with in recent years. Provided the ingredients for construction are there, developing any product is looking more and more reasonable.

And it seems every month there is a new innovative revolution in 3D Printing.

For some industries, such as home furnishings, it offers to completely revolutionize the way their manufacturing process works. It also provides the potential ability to completely rewrite factory product lines.

Getting in early and investing in the most promising 3D printing firm is likely to reward you big in future, as well as giving you a head start on arguably one of the most exciting technologies to rear its head in recent years.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is one of the most interesting new developments in the technological and gaming markets.

The Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are both competing for the top spot in the VR world, but even Sony are expanding in the industry well with their very own PlaystationVR.

However, it’s not only the big boys that you should be interested in. A huge amount of small indie development teams are bringing VR experiences to the mainstream, with software packages that aren’t solely dedicated to people who enjoy video games.

Art gallery replicants, social spaces and even painting utilities all exist to make Virtual Reality a real contender which will likely revolutionize the way we all interact with our home entertainment systems, and even computing  communications for years to come.

Getting in now to support the most promising software studios will help you surely ride the most exciting crest of the innovative wave here.


It is clearer than ever in recent years that many pharmaceutical drugs are leading to an addiction epidemic, particularly among the opiate painkillers prescribed universally after surgeries or any form of injury repair.

This has gained a large amount of controversy, and is the largest challenge to the pharmaceutical industry right now. The market is crying out for alternate means of pain removal.

Some states which have legalised marijuana are benefiting hugely from purpose bred concoctions which are less to help people get ‘high,’ and more to help people overcome the most insidious addictions they feel. These include products such as CBD oil or vapour rubs.

Other new and less researched substances such as Kratom are getting widespread popularity, to the point where medical research is being officially sanctioned and is starting to look promising.

If looking to invest in the healthcare industry, these could be the most promising places to start, as they potentially offer millions in untapped revenue.

Renewable Energy

You probably expected to see this on this list, and for good reason. Renewable energy is set to become one of the most exciting ways in which investing in positive world change can be beneficial to your wallet.

The renewable energy workforce is already larger than those working in methods of fossil fuel acquisition, and this is only set to increase.

Harvesting energy from the wind and solar farms is becoming more and more viable, and now even full nations are finding themselves more able to run off of pure, clean energy alone.

Luckily, the energy market does not need to be limited to simply one subset of that industry. It can crop up in many places, such as Tesla’s automotive interests in making solar powered, driverless cars.

Finding the most important and hottest avenues to invest regarding solar energy is easier than ever, and this is where some of the most exciting methods of innovation lie.


Artificial intelligence is something that people often shudder when they think of, but it’s becoming less of a sci-fi fantasy and more of a practical, daily reality the further we move into it.

It’s likely your smartphone has a rudimentary voice chat option such as Siri, or Amazon’s Alexa in the new devices they sell, which learn your vocal, usage and purchasing habits and help tailor the experience you get based on those parameters.

As AI gets more refined, and it is becoming more refined, you should expect to see this cropping up in even the most unexpected of areas in the future.

The days aren’t far off from where smart homes speak to you as they used to in the movies.

AI is going to revolutionize the way we think, act and behave around the products we use on a daily basis, and as a result investing in the right avenues may net you untold fortunes.


For those interested in investing in media platforms, look no further than YouTube Live, Mixer or Twitch.

These used to be more encouraging to those who play video games, but the audience has exploded in recent months and now massive creative communities have spawned.

If you’re looking for solid marketing investment, sponsoring those with large followings and social media gatherings can be the perfect way to invest in what could be considered an outsourced brand, bringing your operation to the eyes of many who are entertained and willing to listen to the endorsements of their favorite content creators.

The rise of influencers is real.

You may be able to craft a good supporting relationship which is much more likely to gain you the favor of their fans and potentially secure purchases or direct affiliate traffic where you deem fit.

This is a burgeoning and new industry which is just waiting to be taken advantage of.

These tips can help you experience a boom in your investment opportunity. Good luck!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bret Haymond

    Well thought out site and article! We have been considering this too. We just don’t know where too begin. Any ideas ?

    1. Brian Robben

      You could get started with a small experiment/investment and see how it goes. Then depending on the result and your insight, go forward with a bigger experiment or do another experiment in that same space or in a different space.

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